Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Heaven's newest angel

The new year didn't start out quite like we hoped. Grandma Fulop passed away Tuesday January 5th at 7:55 am. We knew it was coming, but we still hoped and had faith that she had some time left. Adam has gone to Toledo to be with his family and help out with what he can until the funeral. I feel bad that I can't be there, but with the baby it's not easy and on top of that McDonalds won't give me the time off because they do not recognize my spouse's family as my family. It's so ridiculous that I can't even continue talking about it because I'll anger myself.
On a bright note, somebody is being considerate enough to let me have friday off so tomorrow is my last day at work until my maternity leave ends in March. Oh sweet goodness. I'm so excited... baby coming and no mcdonalds for 9 weeks.
I'm missing Adam so much but I'm really thankful that my mom has been here to help and do so much for me. I'm a very blessed woman!!!!

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