Saturday, February 13, 2010

the best update

So so much has happened in the last month since I updated. I do have the best update ever to follow the worst one I've had so far. On January 18, 2010 at 10:10 am the light of my life was born. Lillian Hazel Fulop 6 lbs 14 oz 20.75 in. I knew I would love her when she came, but now that she's here that feels like such an understatement. My life is forever blessed with this beautiful baby girl. I could never ask for anything more because she's all I've wanted. I've really been enjoying all of my time with her. We're never apart (which so far, I really don't mind) and we have fun times and snuggle times. I really can't stand the thought of going back to work ever again, especially to McDonalds where my 50 hour plus work weeks will take away so much of my time with my Lily. Adam and I have been trying to figure out the whole day care situation, which is definitely not easy. It would definitely be so much nicer and so much easier if we had family around here. I feel like so few people can be trusted with my daughter and the few people I do trust aren't around here or have jobs too that take up a lot of time. What to do what to do. We wanted Adam to go down to part time and that would help, because that is never going to be an option for me as a first assistant. That plan isn't panning out either though. It's a scary situation, especially considered we have to have a plan set in the next 4 weeks. I'm scared with not being here and being at work that I'm going to miss many important moments with Lily. Her first laugh, the first time she crawls, her first word, the first time she sits up on her own... and there are so many more firsts down the road that I may never be a part of. It makes me so upset. I just want to be here with her and make sure she's always well taken care of. How do other parents do it? I have no idea.
Lily is so super cute. Everyone who talked to me when I was pregnant knew I was a little scared at the thought of having an ugly baby... but oh no. She's so incredibly gorgeous. Which is saying so very much because most people have said she looks like me. I see me and Adam in her, which I love. She is so precious, I don't think I'll ever stop running out of great things to say about her. I thank God for her everyday of my life now and I make sure everyday to tell this sweet little girl of mine how much I love her and am blessed to have her. I believe that is very important even as a newborn for her to know. Adam thinks I'm crazy sometimes I'm sure because I already sing the alphabet to Lily and read her books and practice parts of her face and hands with her. She's going to be so smart, people can already tell how strong she is. She's just amazing!! Ok, so that's my best update so far... My Lily is here and doing so well. Thank you everyone for years of faith and support.. Thank you Adam and Thank you God for finally... our family expansion.

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