Wednesday, December 30, 2009

wow time flies

So no update from me since the end of September... wow how 3 months fly by.

The last few months have brought us Halloween (a fabulous Holiday preceded by a week of vacation off work and Emily coming to stay with us,) Thanksgiving and even Christmas. Tomorrow is New Years Eve, then New Years Day and in a few short weeks the arrival of our first child. YIKES!!!
It's so interesting to me that all of a sudden it seems like every woman on the planet is pregnant. There was a period of several years where I think only my closest friends had babies and now all of a sudden a boom. Or it could possibly be that I'm a little less angry with hearing and seeing that other women are pregnant since I too have been blessed.
There was another manager at work who was pregnant, due 3 days after me who had her baby a few days ago. I was feeling kind of jealous but the more I think about it, the more glad I am that Lillian is taking her time to come out closer to when she's supposed to. If she came now, it would create havoc with work and my time off and plus, she'll be ever more perfect and developed when she does come out. I'm still over anxious to meet her.
We had another dr appointment today, it was my second 1 week. I love that now until I meet her I get to hear that little heartbeat going so fast. It's so amazing. Adam got to go with me, it's nice when he gets to be there even if the appointment does only take a few minutes. I know that he likes being there with me. He has been so wonderful. He takes great care of me and I have to admit I'm going to miss some of the attention and extra special care when I'm no longer pregnant.
Bags for the hospital are kinda sorta packed. Lillian needs a few things washed first and I just need to figure out what I haven't packed that I may need and we can get it all put in the jeep and be ready to go. At home, all we really need is her bedding washed and to move the stroller out of her bedroom and find a place for a few other things and that will be good to go. Oh wait, no it won't. We still need to take care of Christmas things and wash bottles and pick things up. It doesn't seem like much to do, but at the same time it feels like mounds of work to be done and seriously I have no desire to do anything. I'm just trying to get through my last days at McDonalds before my leave and even though I am working 8 hour days instead of longer ones it's ridiculously hard to make it through.
My mom is coming down on the 9th. It's my first day of leave and she plans on getting the finishing things done around the house for us (bless her soul.) And that way also someone will definitely be around in case I need a ride to the hospital and Adam is at work. I'm super excited that National City (now a part of PNC, haha) is going to let Adam officially start his vacation week once Lily actually makes her appearance into this world. It's going to be wonderful. We plan on taking trips to visit family once she's here. It'll be nice for me not to have to worry about my work schedule for a while and Adam's is really easy to deal with.
Our first trip will definitely be to Ohio because we want to make sure that Grandma Fulop (Adams grandma) gets to see Lily before she gets too bad. It's been a hard few months and especially few weeks with Grandma because her body seems to be giving up on her. We pray that she makes it as long as she can for our own selfish reasons, but for love.
Ok, so now the stupid kid next door won't stop revving his stupid little engine and driving me nuts, I can't focus. I must blog more later. Maybe I'll save the page and I'll be reminded more often.

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