Tuesday, August 4, 2009

oh how i've tried

My husband, bless his soul decided one day that I would be a great blogger. I tend to disagree with most everything he says, especially these days. I thought I'd try it anyway. I told myself I would get one started and I would be committed to updating it regularly. This was about 2 weeks ago. I remembered a great friend (my high school twin, Amanda) has a blog and I could use the same site. So, I created a blog and for the last 10 days the very first page has been sitting here staring at me waiting for me to put some words on the page. How's that for being a regular blogger?!?!
Good news is that I'm here now, I've got words started and now I need to update.
Our family expansion.... that's what this is about, but I guess a short history could be good for the best possible understanding of the word finally.

My husband Adam and I met 8 years ago. I never thought that 8 years with any one person could seem so short and still leave butterflies in my stomach and me wanting to spend every moment together for so many years more. Adam and I met working at Cedar Point. I thought he was obnoxious and stupid, but oh so good looking. One day I decided to make friends with Adam because I wanted him to like me and I wanted him to spend his time with me. It wasn't hard, I was fun, entertaining and a very likeable person. It wasn't long before we knew we were crazy about each other. Adam ended up not being employed at Cedar Point much longer after we got together, but he came to visit every chance he could. I'll remember that summer for the rest of my life. That was the first time we decided to share our lives together.
After that summer I went back to WMU and Adam was in Toledo. Not seeing each other because of jobs, school, friends and having to take the time to travel wasn't easy. For 2 years we were very much on again, off again. Adam worked a couple of different jobs and after his last one in Toledo had to make cuts, Adam made the decision that I never could. He moved to Kalamazoo to be with me. In July 2003 Adam made his big move to Michigan and we moved in together. That September, after all Adam had done to be with me I decided it was time to see about making that forever committment again. After attending a vigile on campus on September 11, 2003 we came home and I asked Adam to marry me. He had asked me before and I wanted to be the one to make the move this time.

March 3, 2004 I said I do and Adam said yes. No big wedding, just the two of us and a few family. I was still in school and Adam was working taking care of everything. I'll always be thankful that he did that for me. A few more years went by and I graduated from WMU and Adam and I were doing very well. We decided to start trying for a family. I talked to my dr about everything and she wanted to do a check up to make sure things would go well. But all was not well, we found out that if we wanted to have children, we would have to go through fertility treatments. Insurance didn't cover these treatments and so we saved for a while and went through them. Unfortunately none of the treatments worked and we just couldn't afford to continue. We had to face the sad truth that children would not be a part of our future. There's no kind of heartbreak like that. We began to think about fostering and adoption and went and talked to a few people but just couldn't make the commitment yet.
We spent a lot of time focusing on our nieces and nephews and children of friends. It is so great to be surrounded by wonderful children, but a little piece of our hearts would still be in pain when we did. We relaxed and didn't think about expanding our family, instead we focused on each other and our dogs.
In June 2009 I was getting pretty stressed out, I was sick all the time and tired all of the time and I just didn't feel like myself. I felt like something was really wrong and I was considering going to the dr to get checked out (you see, I'm not a big fan of seeking medical attention.) I was having a conversation with my friend Chrissy who decided that night that I needed to take a pregnancy test. That night she brought me one and to my complete surprise, it was positive. I just couldn't believe it. So, I took another. I called Adam who just couldn't believe it either and he brought me another. Well, 3 tests later I decided my body was just playing tricks on me so I went to the dr. I had a blood test done and it confirmed, but my brain still couldn't. I made an appointment with my ob-gyn and had an ultrasound done to make sure everything was on the up and up and to find out how far along I was. Having that ultrasound done was the moment I finally started to believe.
This is the most amazing thing that has ever happened to me... and to Adam. We feel so blessed, so lucky and so overwhelmed with excitement. It is like nothing else in the world to be convinced you'll never know the one thing you want to most and then realize a miracle. I'm 16 1/2 weeks and do my best not to make complaints about being pregnant because no matter what, it's all worth it. So that's kind of where we are at now. This blog will be about the changes in my belly and the changes in our lives with our ever expanding family. I hope you find it entertaining, I will do my best.

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